
Hi! I'm Ben Sullins!

Building a Bulletproof Life

Follow my journey to build a life that can handle any storm that comes it's way

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Complete Data Viz in 24 Hours or Declare LOVE of Pie Charts (RISKY!)

My friend Matthew Miller at Tableau challenged me to recreate several charts using Excel and ChatGPT in 24 hours otherwise I'd have to profess my love of pie charts. Watch now to find out if I made it! Learn data skills at our academy and elevate your career. Start for free at

8 months ago • 1 min read

Today we look at my home-based power plant using solar panels and FranklinWH batteries. Check out Franklin more here After implementing this I was able to protect my family against power outages as well as save a huge amount on my monthly energy bill. Subscribe for more and make sure to use #bulletprooflife in your comments for a heart!

8 months ago • 1 min read

Check out the video above and learn about the 9 highest paying Data jobs in 2023 (per Here are the jobs in reverse order, check the video for a breakdown of every role and sign up below if you'd like to start working towards one of these careers! Data Analyst ($70,676) Business Intelligence Analyst ($82,559) Statistician ($86,960) Business intelligence developer ($94,253) Data modeler ($102,376) Data scientist ($124,693) Data architect ($125,977) Big data engineer ($128,631)...

8 months ago • 1 min read

If you've ever seen one of these bar chart race videos online you've probably wondered Well in the video linked above (or you can click here) I show how to replicate these with NBA player salaries over time. The broader lesson is how to use the Flourish platform to create engaging animations with data. Hope this finds you well! Ben

9 months ago • 1 min read

I've been a power Excel user since the late 90s and even in the early days I found myself copying and pasting data from websites into spreadsheets so I can run analytics on them. Many moons ago Microsoft added a feature in Excel to help automate this, and recently it got a big upgrade. In this video (linked above) you can learn how to automate pulling in data from websites as well as processing it along the way. Let me know if you find this useful! Cheers, Ben

9 months ago • 1 min read

Example of the new panda diet Reader, This week, we’re exploring a fascinating subject: nutrition studies. They’re a rich resource of information about how the food we eat impacts our health. Yet, as you’ve probably noticed, they often appear contradictory and confusing. Today, we’re investigating why this is and what it means for your daily diet. The crux of the matter lies in the types of studies typically conducted on nutrition. Most are epidemiological studies. These involve observing and...

11 months ago • 4 min read

Reader, Have you ever contemplated the idea of extending your lifespan and delaying the onset of chronic diseases? Today, we’re going to discuss exactly how you can start this journey, leaning heavily on insights from Peter Attia, a pioneer in the longevity field. According to Attia, “healthspan,” the time during which we remain free from chronic diseases, is equally as important as lifespan, if not more so 1. Imagine living well into your 90s, maintaining your independence, and continuing to...

11 months ago • 4 min read

Reader, Today, we're exploring something essential and influential in our lives: health. More than just the absence of illness, health is the robust armor we build to confront life's challenges and triumph over them. Over the past year, my family and I have faced our share of health scares and challenges. Despite our longstanding dedication to maintaining our health, setbacks have been inevitable. However, we've learned that resilience is just as critical as the commitment to staying healthy....

11 months ago • 2 min read
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